The Kite and the Lesson: A Vietnamese Story of Asking for Help

Long ago, in a small village in Vietnam, there lived a young boy named Minh. Minh was a curious and adventurous child, and he loved spending his days exploring the countryside, climbing trees, and chasing after butterflies.

One day, as he was wandering through the fields, he saw a group of boys flying kites in the sky. The kites were colorful and large, and they danced in the wind, soaring high up into the clouds. Minh was fascinated by the kites, and he wanted to join in the fun.

He approached the group of boys and asked if he could fly a kite too. But the boys just laughed and sneered at him.

"You can't fly a kite," one of the boys said. "You're too small and weak. You'll never be able to handle it."

Minh felt hurt and embarrassed. He had never been teased before, and the boys' words stung like a bee. But he didn't want to give up. He was determined to show them that he was just as capable as they were.

He walked away, feeling dejected, but he didn't go home. Instead, he went to the local kite maker's shop and asked if he could buy a kite.

The kite maker looked at Minh and smiled. "Of course, young one," he said. "Which kite would you like?"

Minh looked around the shop, marveling at the different kites on display. There were kites shaped like dragons, butterflies, and even fish. But his eye was caught by a simple, red kite with a long tail.

"I want that one," he said, pointing to the red kite.

The kite maker nodded and handed Minh the kite. "Good luck, young one," he said. "May the wind be with you."

Minh ran out to the fields and found a secluded spot to fly his kite. He unfurled the string and watched as the kite soared up into the sky. He felt a thrill of excitement and joy, and he laughed as he watched the kite dance in the wind.

But then, disaster struck. The wind picked up, and the kite started to spiral out of control. Minh tried to reel it in, but the string was slipping out of his fingers. The kite was heading straight for a tree, and Minh knew that he couldn't save it on his own.

He looked around, hoping to find someone who could help him. But he was alone, and there was nobody in sight.

Desperate, he started to call out for help. "Help! Help me, please!" he shouted.

But nobody answered. Minh was about to give up when he remembered something his mother had told him: "In times of trouble, never be afraid to ask for help."

With renewed determination, Minh shouted even louder, hoping that someone would hear him. "Help! Help me, please!"

And then, a miracle happened. A young girl appeared out of nowhere, running towards him. She was about the same age as Minh, and she had a kind face and a gentle voice.

"Are you okay?" she asked, looking at Minh with concern.

"No," Minh said, tears streaming down his face. "My kite is stuck in the tree, and I can't get it down. Can you help me?"

The girl smiled. "Of course," she said. "Let's work together."

Together, they managed to retrieve the kite from the tree. Minh was overjoyed and grateful, and he thanked the girl with all his heart.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Linh," the girl said. "And you?"

"I'm Minh," he said. "Thank you so much for helping me."

Linh smiled. "Anytime, Minh. Remember,