The clever monkey

Once upon a time, in the heart of the dense jungle, there lived a community of monkeys. They were a happy and playful bunch, always swinging from trees, playing games, and munching on bananas. But among them, there was one monkey who was different - the clever monkey.

Unlike his peers, the clever monkey was always thinking, always observing, and always looking for ways to improve his life. He was curious about the world beyond the jungle and often wondered what it would be like to live in a place with no trees, no vines, and no bananas.

One day, while the clever monkey was perched on a high branch, he saw a group of hunters passing through the jungle. They were heavily armed, and their eyes were scanning the treetops. The clever monkey knew that they were after his kind - monkeys.

He called out to the other monkeys and warned them about the hunters. But some of the monkeys were too busy playing, while others didn't believe him. One monkey even made fun of the clever monkey, saying, "Why worry about hunters? We are faster and smarter than them. They will never catch us."

But the clever monkey knew better. He had seen the hunters before, and he knew how dangerous they could be. So, he decided to take action.

He climbed down from his branch and went to each monkey, one by one, explaining the situation to them. He showed them how to hide and what to do if they saw the hunters. He even made a plan to distract the hunters by throwing bananas in the opposite direction.

All the monkeys in the jungle were amazed by the clever monkey's intelligence and foresight. They had never seen a monkey who could think so clearly and act so decisively.

On the day the hunters arrived, the clever monkey's plan worked perfectly. While the other monkeys were hiding, he distracted the hunters by throwing bananas in the opposite direction. The hunters ran after the bananas, thinking they had caught the monkeys.

But while the hunters were chasing the bananas, the clever monkey led the other monkeys to safety, deep in the heart of the jungle. They hid there until the hunters left, and then they returned to their usual routines.

From that day on, the other monkeys in the jungle saw the clever monkey in a new light. They no longer made fun of him or ignored him. They respected him and looked up to him as a leader and protector.

As time went by, the clever monkey's intelligence and ingenuity became even more apparent. He found new ways to get food, to stay safe from predators, and even to make tools. He learned how to use sticks to get termites out of their mounds, how to crack open coconuts with rocks, and how to weave vines into baskets.

The other monkeys were in awe of his skills, and they followed his lead, trying to imitate his actions. But no matter how hard they tried, they could never match the clever monkey's level of intelligence and creativity.

One day, while the clever monkey was foraging for food, he came across a human village. He had never seen humans before, but he had heard stories about them from other animals in the jungle.

Curious, he decided to investigate. He climbed down from the trees and approached the village, watching the humans from a safe distance.

At first, he was amazed by what he saw. The humans had built houses, roads, and even vehicles. They had created all kinds of tools and machines that the clever monkey had never seen before.

But as he watched the humans more closely, he noticed something strange. They seemed to be fighting with each other, arguing and shouting. The clever monkey wondered why they would do this when they had so much to be grateful for.

He decided to investigate further and crept closer to the village. As he got closer, he saw that the humans were arguing over something called money. They seemed to be fighting over who had more of it and who deserved it more.

The clever monkey was puzzled. He had never heard of money before, and he didn't understand why the humans were so obsessed with it. So, he decided to ask them.

He approached a group of humans and asked, "Excuse me, but what is money?"

The humans were surprised to see a monkey talking to them, but they answered, "Money is what we use to buy things. It's how we trade for goods and services."

The clever monkey was still confused. "But why do you fight over it? Why not just share what you have?"

The humans laughed at the monkey's innocence. "Oh, if only it were that simple," they said. "But in our world, money is power. The more money you have, the more power you have. And power is what makes the world go round."

The clever monkey was appalled. He had always believed in sharing and cooperation, and he couldn't understand why the humans would fight over something so trivial.

He decided to return to the jungle and tell the other monkeys what he had learned. He explained to them about money and power and how it had corrupted the humans.

The other monkeys listened intently, and they too were appalled by what they heard. They realized that they were lucky to live in a world where sharing and cooperation were valued over power and greed.

From that day on, the clever monkey became the leader of the jungle. He taught the other monkeys the importance of cooperation and sharing and showed them how to work together to achieve their goals.

They became a close-knit community, working together to forage for food, build shelters, and protect each other from predators.

And even though they didn't have money or power, they were happy and content, living in harmony with each other and with nature.

The clever monkey had shown them that intelligence and ingenuity were not just about finding new ways to get food or make tools. They were about living in a world where cooperation and sharing were valued over power and greed.

And so, the clever monkey lived out his days in the jungle, surrounded by his friends and followers, content in the knowledge that he had helped to create a better world.